Home Business 9 Home Improvement Fixes Before Selling Your House

9 Home Improvement Fixes Before Selling Your House

In today’s market, there are many people looking to buy and sell homes. Because of the abundance of homes on the market, it can be rather competitive to get attention from potential buyers.

In order to get more buyers interested in your home, make your home look the best it can, especially since other sellers in the market are vastly improving the appearance of their homes.

Below is a list of nine home improvement fixes you can do to prepare your home to be sold.

1. Landscaping

First impressions matter! When getting your home ready to sell, make sure to manicure your lawn because it’s the first thing a potential buyer will see. Whether you are doing it yourself or hiring a landscaper, ensure that the lawn is mowed, there are no weeds, flowers are planted and bushes are trimmed.

2. Exterior Cleanliness

If the exterior of your home looks unmaintained, prospective buyers may assume that the interior is unmaintained as well. The sides of your home should be power washed to remove dirt and the gutters should be cleared of leaves and other debris.

3. Interior Cleanliness

As with the exterior, a messy home on the inside never looks good for potential buyers. Before starting to tour your home, it should be squeaky clean to dazzle buyers. From the ceiling fans to the cracks between the tiles, the entire home should look spotless.

4. Repairs

If your home has any obvious damages, such as broken windows or leaky sinks, make sure to get them fixed before putting your house on the market. Any obvious damage can signify bigger problems in the house which deters potential buyers.

Unfortunately, some repairs can be quite costly, as can other expenses to get your home ready to sell, it almost seems redundant. However, try to think of it as a selling expense to get the most money out of your home’s sale.

5. Front Door

Every prospective buyer will be walking through the front door of your home when taking a tour. To make your home feel welcoming and attractive, make sure the front door looks appealing. Applying a fresh coat of paint, decorating the entrance with plants or decor, replacing the house numbers if they’re faded and placing a welcome entry matt are some ideas to spruce up your entryway.

6. Clean Up

Potential buyers need to be able to envision themselves in the home to determine if they want to buy or not. In order for the buyers to do this, your home should be cleaned up of personal items and unnecessary clutter. Consider using a storage unit or idle room in your home to store personal belongings while you sell your home.

Also, closets, drawers and other storage spaces in your home should be tidied up too. Messy storage spaces give off the vibe that your home does not have enough storage.

7. Repaint

You may enjoy having lime green and hot pink rooms, but potential buyers may not! To appeal to more buyers, consider repainting rooms neutral colours, like white or beige, that are attractive to the masses. Buyers are better able to envision what they would do with a space if the rooms are neutral.

8. Smell

Spaces that smell nice are much more enticing than spaces with bad odors. Do what you can to remove causes of bad odors in your home then use air fresheners and flowers to make the house smell great when it is being toured.

9. Details

When preparing your home for sale, pay attention to the little things that you normally wouldn’t notice. Your potential buyers will be paying attention to detail, try to think of all the things you would notice if you were buying a home yourself and fix them. If you ever need a professional touch, there are home staging professionals that can polish the finer details you may have missed.

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