Home Business 7 Air Conditioner Tips for Lower Energy Bills

7 Air Conditioner Tips for Lower Energy Bills

The best way to stay cool during the summer months is by keeping your air conditioner running. This will allow your home to be comfortable during the heat of summer. However, you’ll want to avoid paying high energy bills and knowing how to keep your costs down is vital.

When you use smart air conditioning tips, you can make your house more comfortable to live without paying a fortune for it. It will make a huge difference for you in the short and long run. Paying less to remain comfortable in your home is something you may wish to do every summer. Don’t delay in reducing the costs of your air conditioning today.

Here are seven air conditioning tips for lower energy bills:

1. Change the filters

Taking time to change the air filter in your home will allow you to stay cooler and pay less. This won’t take but a few minutes to do but could potentially decrease your bill as much as 15% or more monthly.

Marking your calendar to do this routine task will make remembering it super easy to do. One tip is to put in new filters on the same day of the month at least every three months.

2. Close the blinds

During the heat of the day, it’s a great idea to keep the blinds closed in your home. The sun can significantly increase the temperature in your living space, and this is important to help you unit run less.

If you’re leaving for work, you may want to close the curtains and the blinds before doing so. It’s likely you’ll return to a much more comfortable home at the end of the day.

3. Install a programmable thermostat

Taking the time to make minor improvements in your home is the ideal way to avoiding high costs. One effective air conditioning tip is by putting a programmable thermostat in place.

Doing this will allow you to set it way in advance and could enable you to pay less to stay calm. This isn’t a hard task to do but may require the assistance of a professional.

Don’t neglect to set the temperature to a higher level when you’re gone to work. You’ll be able to enjoy much fewer electric bills by doing this.

4. Turn on your fans

It’s possible you may have several ceiling fans in your home. One thing you can do that will help keep the air cooler in your home is by having it circulate more.

Taking a minute to turn on the fans in each room of your property may make a significant difference in your energy bill. It’s a good idea to put these on the highest speed to get the most benefits your fan.

5. Get your unit serviced

There are many things you may put off doing because being a homeowner can be demanding. However, you don’t want to neglect to have your air conditioner profesionally serviced.

There are many tasks an HVAC company will perform that can lengthen the life of your unit. It’s ideal to do this on an annual basis if you wish to avoid high air conditioning costs.

Signing a contract with your HVAC provider could be the ideal way to avoid extremely high energy costs and get more life from your unit.

6. Grill out more

Taking time to grill outside is one of the top ways for you to keep your home cooler. Heating up your kitchen space can get costly, and this is the last thing you should do.

Enjoying the beautiful weather and fixing food on the grill may allow you to save money on energy costs. You’ll also be able to enjoy a tastier food when you take time to grill outside your home.

Keeping your grill in good shape is vital if you wish to get the most benefits from it. You can do this by cleaning it at least once a month and after each use.

7. Put trees in place

Adding more shade around your property is one of the ideal ways to avoid high cooling bills in the summer. This could be a weekend project that you do when you have a few days off work.

Finding the trees that have the best branches and leaves is vital to helping you have more shade around your property.  You’ll want to also rely on ones that are hearty and are easy to care for to get the most benefit from these.

Planting trees near windows or doors may allow you to enjoy shade where you need it the most.  Don’t forget to pick up the right fertilizer when you’re there to enjoy better growth.

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