Home Business 5 Tips To Help You Re-Enter The Job Market

5 Tips To Help You Re-Enter The Job Market

Finding a job is tough if you’ve been out of the game for a while. Whether you’ve been in school or raising a family, looking for a new job is stressful. It’s easy to find yourself overwhelmed sorting through the thousands of job postings online. Check out these five tips to help you re-enter the job market!

1. Take The Time To Identify Your Skills

Applying to every job opening you see is an inefficient use of your time. Job hunting is already a difficult task. Don’t make job hunting harder on yourself by failing to do your research. Concentrating your efforts on one area makes you much more likely to find success.

If you’re at a loss of where to start, begin by making a list of your skills. Don’t get caught up in the previous job titles that you have held. Instead, list the skill that made you successful in your previous positions. Your next step is to find companies and job openings that require these skills. Taking this approach will help you avoid filling out pointless applications.

2. Use Custom Resumes And Cover Letters For Each Application

Recruiters see tons of resume’s every day. Your best chance for success is using your resume to make it incredibly clear how you can help a company. A person reviewing your resume shouldn’t have to hunt for what makes you valuable. The best way to accomplish this is to tailor your resume to the job post.

Start by reviewing the responsibilities of the position. Use your resume to align your skills with the responsibilities. Explain in point form how your skills will allow you to succeed at the position. Tailoring your resume to each position is the best way to give yourself an edge over the stack of resumes you need to compete with.

3. Don’t Show Up To Interviews Unprepared

Showing unprepared is really a waste of your time. If you think you can just wing it in the interview, you’re going to be disappointed. Doing some basic research goes a long way. You should know what the company does, understand how your position will help them and have a general understanding of the industry.

In addition to researching the company, it never hurts to review interview questions. It’s much easier to think on your feet if you’re familiar with how you want to answer your questions. It’s a good idea to practice your anecdotes ahead of time.

4. Consult With An Employment Lawyer

If you’ve been away from the job market due to conflict, it’s worth consulting with an employment lawyer. Employment lawyers can help you figure out your options and the best way to approach your job hunt. Your lawyer can also advise you how to answer sensitive interview questions. If you might have to answer questions about your criminal record or being fired from a previous position, you may want to consult with an employment lawyer.

5. Be Willing To Follow Up

It’s amazing how many people fail to follow up during their job hunt. If you don’t hear from a company after an interview, don’t automatically assume it’s a no. Get on the phone and ask for an update. You should also always send a thank you email after your interview, which can act as a form of following up. Keeping up with your opportunities is how you stay positive in a long job hunt.

Keep these suggestions in mind to make your job hunt a bit easier. A bit of preparation goes a long way. Customizing your resumes may be annoying, but it reflects well on you as a professional. Remember to use these five tips to your advantage!

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