Home Business 5 Smart Tips for Dealing with ICBC after an Accident

5 Smart Tips for Dealing with ICBC after an Accident

After a car accident, dealing with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia can be difficult. Each claim is unique and depends on a broad number of factors concerning the claimant and defendant. Without full and accurate details, it’s difficult to establish who is truly at fault and ensure compensation is correct.

Completing an ICBC accident claim form can be rather daunting, and the ICBC never actually wants to pay out—they often either deny the claim is valid or offer a payout that’s lower than what you are justly entitled to.

To prevent you from facing an intimidating process when completing this claim application, it’s advisable to hire an ICBC lawyer.

Here are a few tips when you have to deal with ICBC:

1. Always Seek Medical Attention After an Accident

If the ICBC is going to offer you compensation in regards to medical or rehabilitative care, this will heavily depend on your medical records. No matter how minor you believe your injury to be, always seek medical care promptly from an emergency care centre or your family doctor to ensure the accident is officially recorded.

It’s also important to follow the advice of medical professionals precisely to show that you have tried to minimize any lasting issues. Furthermore, never refuse testing or further treatment that could help diagnose potential long-term consequences of the accident.

2. Notify ICBC Promptly

You must notify ICBC within 24 hours of being involved in an accident. Make note of any details that could help with your claim, such as the offending driver’s registration number and insurance details. Keep a log of clear information and be ready to inform ICBC of the thorough facts. Regardless of how minor your injuries appear at the time, always log details immediately.

3. Don’t Implicate Yourself as Partly to Blame

The ICBC is always hoping that you were either fully or partially to blame for your accident, as this allows them to reduce or deny the claim and even raise your insurance premiums, so never admit any type of fault when reporting the accident. ICBC relies on witness statements, police reports, and your information to decide the level of compensation, so maintain your innocence throughout all conversations and reports. If they can place blame on you, you may not only face a denied claim but also higher premiums in the future.

4. Read ICBC Statements Thoroughly Before Signing

Any comments you’ve made can be included in official ICBC statements and they will log them in their reports. The ICBC claims adjuster who is assigned to your case will prepare a formal report and ask you to sign it. You are under no obligation to sign it before consulting a personal injury lawyer. Hiring a lawyer is paramount to ensure you are not signing something that misrepresents you and could hurt your claim.

If you sign it and then notice facts are incorrect, you will not be allowed to retract or amend the statement. ICBC will simply point to your signature as an endorsement of the facts in the report. Protect your payout by hiring an experienced lawyer.

5. Don’t Settle Your Case Without a Lawyer

Following on the above point, it’s essential to consult an experienced lawyer when dealing with the ICBC. It may seem like the ICBC has your best interests at heart, but, in reality, they’re always seeking to reduce compensation payouts. To ensure you receive what you’re entitled to, it’s best to work with an ICBC lawyer. Many lawyers will even offer you a free case review before you commit to paying for their services, and once you hire them, they will work with you from start to finish, helping to settle your claim with the best outcome possible.

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