Home Saving 12 Best Home Energy Saving Tips to Save Money

12 Best Home Energy Saving Tips to Save Money

Saving energy can reduce your energy bills. By taking small steps, you can make a big difference and live a more energy-conscious lifestyle. Saving energy ranges from simple behavioral adjustments to a few home improvements. The two goals you want to achieve are to save on your utility bill and to protect your environment.

You do not have to go out to buy expensive energy saving products to make the adjustment. Instead, start with understanding your energy bills and where you use a lot of energy. The next step is to ensure your home is adequately insulated and no heat can escape your home walls, including your ceilings. With a proper plan in place, you can save several dollars each year on your energy payments. Remember the goal is to be energy efficient and to be aware of how energy is used in your home.

Here are some of the recommended ways to save energy:

1. LED lights

When it comes to lighting, you need it in all the rooms of your home. Lighting is essential that you are less likely to pay attention to the costs associated with the lighting system. You will be surprised to know that you can save more when you have LED lights fitted in your home. LEDs are made to last longer and are highly energy efficient as they use almost 75% less energy than other types of lighting systems.

2. Motion sensors

Switching off unused lights can save a large amount of energy. Motion sensors are growing in popularity with households. If it is used for lights, then you do not have to worry about switching off the lights when you leave a room. Motion sensor lights are commonly used for the front door, garage and other frequently used rooms.

3. Insulation

Proper insulation will ensure no air leaks through your home walls, windows, doors, roof and other openings. If it is cold, you do not want to use too much of your heating system and if hot, you do not want to have to use an air conditioner. New homes are constructed with energy efficiency in mind and are insulated to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the house.
If you are living in an older home, you should consider insulation as a way to cut your energy bills even if the upfront costs may be high. In the long run, the costs are paid off with little utility payments.

4. Electricity

Electricity can consume a lot of energy. Appliance, electronics, lighting, heating and cooling use a considerate amount of power. The only way you are going to save money is to cut down on the usage. For example, switch to LED lights and use natural light as possible. Another example is to switch off computers and other appliances when not in use.

5. Natural light

Using natural light throughout the day will help to reduce your energy usage. Try to use natural light and less of your light fixtures around your home. Bright sunlight can save you a lot of money.

6. Ventilation fans

Ventilation fans can be energy-demanding equipment. If you are buying new ventilation systems, always look for the one that has the Energy Star symbol. This symbol assures you that the system is designed to conserve energy during operations. Consider turning on the air conditioner instead to keep the air circulation going at a cheaper rate.

7. Energy efficient buildings

If you are a new home buyer, make sure to look for a home that is energy efficient. This way you deal with lower maintenance and utility costs. Older homes may not be built to be energy efficient, but you can find out what equipment can be replaced and how much insulation is needed to save on your energy consumption.

8. Washing in the kitchen

Try to avoid your dishwasher where possible especially if you only have a few dishes to wash. If you have an electric oven and stove, ensure to use it efficiently.

9. Laundry

If you have a place to hang and dry your clothes, this will save you on using the dryer. Of course, you can also invest in an Energy Star dryer as they use about 20% less energy than conventional dryers.

10. Showers

A long shower three times a day can be costly. You can change your showerhead that offers a satisfying spray while restricting the water used. These showerheads are designed to reduce the gallons of water used per minute. You can also shorten your shower time or even turn off the water while you apply your soap and shampoo.

11. Programmable thermostat

Set your thermostat for maximum energy savings. Use a programmable thermostat to minimize your costs and to adjust temperatures around the home at certain times of the day. A programmable thermostat may come with an upfront cost, but this cost will be paid off through your energy savings.

12. Solar energy

Harnessing energy from the sun to supply electricity throughout your home can save you a considerable amount of money. You can invest in solar panels and have them connected to your electrical grid.

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